corat coret

Isnin, September 24, 2012

Intern and final sem result


Hi and happy good afternoon..

Actually, I want to remove this blog coz i don't have much time to update the blog through the length of 2012 but when think again I love my blog. So much things I write down in blog so I decide I will come back to blogging again since I at the new place and learn something important. truth I have computer and internet to blogging. kuikui...(teruk la u kiki, slh guna kemudahan).

I attend the intern program at Kelana Jaya under KPT for the 3 month. Which is to 'asah bakat' my skills in communication, P.R, and others. I'm just starting today however I have learn so many things include my confident to speaking and writing in English. Okay, close case about the intern. Tomorrow, if I have leisure time I will blogging again.

Now, my dear blog

I want to share my excitement about my result for the final semester. I got 3.82. Can U believe it??? Truthfully, I can't believe it when my sister told me that I dean for final sem. huhuhu...but unfortunately, I only got 2.8 for the CGPA. Very low right. I told myself never mind as long as I can further my study it not harm to me. 

I think I should leave blogging for a mean time. It time to go back. Hooray.... daaaa I will continue this again.